您当前所在位置:首页office高薪急聘 Supplier Quality Engineer (上海Office)

高薪急聘 Supplier Quality Engineer (上海Office)

更新:2024-09-04 16:02:23编辑:tooool归类:office人气:201

  Position: Supplier Quality Engineer (Shanghai Office)

  Company: A top foreign Medical System Company

  Job Description:

  The main focus of the role will be to provide technical management of vendors based in China and supplying the company’s operations worldwide.

  The role will be focused on Mechanical Engineering aspects of vendor relations, and will involve providing guidance to vendors on the company’s technical requirement; ensuring vendor quality meets those requirements and supplying advice and feedback about Chinese vendors to the company’s purchasing officers and engineers.

  The successful candidate will carry out the following activities:

  1.Work with the company’s Purchasing and Engineering staff in China and worldwide to ensure delivery of high-quality, low-cost components and assemblies in a timely manner;

  2.Identify potential vendors that meet the company’s needs. This will involve assessing technical, commercial and regulatory suitability of these vendors, although with an emphasis on the technical aspects;

  (1)Carry out or participate in formal Supplier Audits;

  (2)Arrange for Quality Control of parts as required by the company’s Quality System. This will include: Ensuring that suppliers conduct their own inspection; Arranging for local, third-party inspection of trial batches from new suppliers.

  (3)Manage relations with vendors for on-going production, such as expediting line-stops or quality problems.


  Degree Qualifications in either Manufacturing (Industrial) or Mechanical Engineering are expected. Master Degree of Mechanical Engineering is preferred.

  Candidates should have significant experience in manufacturing, preferably with the following features:

  1.low-volume, high-mix environment

  2.high-technology products ( electronics, optics, etc)

  High-technology products like analytical instrument or medical instrument

  A broad knowledge of manufacturing techniques applicable to the company’s products will be needed. These include (but are not limited to):

  1.Sheet metal

  2.Machining (turning, milling, grinding)


  4.Casting (pressure and gravity die-casting, sand-casting and investment casting)

  5.Optical glassware

  The successful candidate will be able to work with considerable autonomy and exercise mature professional judgments in both technical and commercial matters, particularly in technical matters.

  Excellent skills in the following areas will be essential:

  1.Team work

  2.Communication, both written and verbal in English

  A reasonable level of IT skill would be expected (familiarity with e-mail, word processing and spreadsheets). Furthermore, some level of CAD (computer-aided design) skills would be required (familiarity with at least one package and ability to learn others)

  Skills on AutoCAD, ProE, Solidworks are required.

  If you are qualified and interested in this position, please send a copy of your resume to this email address:

   ryanwangrui@163.com


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